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Remove blackheads with this peel-off mask containing ingredients found right at home!

Blackheads are dark spots found on your skin that form when skin produces sebum. Sebum is a natural lubricant for your skin and hair to prevent both from drying out. If you have naturally oily skin, you typically have larger pores, so when sebum moves up to the surface of your skin, air enters. Sebum contains melanin, which turns dark when exposed to open air, aka your blackhead.

Blackheads are NOT dirt and scrubbing does NOT remove them. What does? You can try pore strips for your nose, but some of us (like myself) have blackheads on our cheeks and forehead. When I tried this egg white mask, it was a total game changer on the overall complexion and feel of my skin.

This egg white mask will help reduce sebum and tighten pores, which will also help with the elasticity of your skin and slow down the wrinkle process. I also like to squirt a bit of lemon juice in the mix since it helps fight off acne causing bacteria and brightens skin tone.


DIY Egg White Face Mask:

  • If you can steam your face that would be an ideal first step, either with a face steamer or right after a hot shower.
  • Place egg white into a small bowl.
  • Squirt 2-3 drops of lemon juice into the bowl and whisk.
  • Apply the mixture with a face brush (I used a foundation brush).
  • Immediately take 1-ply toilet paper and teat into strips. Apply all over face.
  • Once complete, brush excess egg white onto face over the tissue.
  • Leave on for 15-20 minutes.
  • Once completely dry, gently peel off the tissue in an upward direction (you’ll be able to see all the gunk you pulled out of your skin).
  • Rinse with warm water and splash with cold water to close pores.
  • Apply moisturizer and TA-DA! Brightened and blackhead-free skin!

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